Getting started

In order to develop Amenda, you'll have to install your very own development environment. To make this simpler/easier, the development environment is virtualized and its configuration described in code. This approach is also important in order to:

  • guarantee all developers have the exact same environment ;
  • be OS/hardware independent ;
  • reproduce as much as possible the actual production environment.

This documentation will help you in setting up a development environment for Amenda.

Required configuration

  • RAM : 4GB+ available
  • Disk: 7GB+ available
  • OS : Windows, macOS or Linux
  • Internet access


Simple installation

The following procedure will automatically create, setup and configure the development environment in a dedicated virtual machine:

  1. Install Vagrant 2.0+.
  2. Install VirtualBox 5.0+.
  3. Clone the repository: git clone
  4. Enter the repository directory: cd amenda.
  5. Create and provision the virtual machine: vagrant up;

    • during this step, a new dedicated virtual machine will be created, setup and all the dependencies will be installed;
    • Windows users must run this command as an administrator because of this issue
  6. Edit your hosts file to add the following entry: amenda.test.

If the installation process stops before completion for any reason, you can restart it with the vagrant provision command.

Note: the installation will download a lot of heavy packages. The installation speed depends mostly on your Internet bandwidth.

Custom installation

Select the roles to install

Roles are grouped by tags. It's possible to specify which roles are to be installed or to add roles to an existing installation by specifying which tags are to be included/excluded.

The step 5. in the above procedure can be slightly modified in order to indicate which tags - and the corresponding roles - are to be installed. Two variable environments are available:

  • ANSIBLE_TAGS to specify the exact list of specific tags are to be included
  • ANSIBLE_SKIP_TAGS to specify which tags are to be skipped

The list of all available tags and the associated roles can be found in the /provisioning/playbook.yml file.

Example for a new installation:

  • ANSIBLE_SKIP_TAGS=app,doc vagrant up will skip all roles with at least the doc or app tag;
  • ANSIBLE_TAGS=api vagrant up will install only the roles with at least the api tag.

To modify an existing installation, replace vagrant up with vagrant provision: ANSIBLE_TAGS=app vagrant provision will add all the roles with at least the app tag to the existing installation.

Installation logs

It's possible to make the installation process more verbose by defining the ANSIBLE_VERBOSE environment variable before a up or a provision.

Example for a new installation:

ANSIBLE_VERBOSE=vvv vagrant up

Check the installation

Open a web browser and go to the following URL: https://amenda.test/api/v1/ping. Once loaded, the Web page should show:


If the installation is not working:

  • Destroy the development machine: vagrant destroy
  • Redo the installation from scratch.

API development

The API code is located in the /api directory. Once the development environment installation is complete, you can edit the API code with your favorite IDE. Modifying the code will automatically trigger:

  • a rebuild of the API code;
  • a restart of the API server with the latest changes.

Web app development

The Web app code is located in the /app directory. Once the development environment installation is complete, you can edit the Web app code with your favorite IDE. Modifying the code will automatically trigger:

  • a rebuild of the Web app code;
  • a restart of the Web app development server to serve the latest changes;
  • a refresh of the Web app in your Web browser to show the latest changes.

Development logs

Development logs for the API and the Web app can be accessed in real-time by:

  • connecting to the development virtual machine: vagrant ssh;
  • running the pm2 logs command.

Those two commands can be abbreviated like so: vagrant ssh -c "pm2 logs"


This very documentation is built by the installation process. It is then made available here:


To rebuild the documentation after some changes, use the following command:

ANSIBLE_TAGS=doc vagrant provision

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